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Capable Capable

Living the meaningful life of an enduring public person
Arnold Siegel —January 1, 2025

Everything else being equal, we are most content when living a meaningful life. In our own, personal and individual efforts we look to evaluate our behavior against the nation’s gold standards, ideals, values and norms in the many details of our responses to the demands on the regulative practice of our emancipated selfhood. The goal of achieving the self-possession of an enduring public person is the possibility all of us have for living a meaningful life, a contributing life, a life of love and hope and a life of grace and honor.

And even as we look forward and beyond our classroom, we expect that our nation will continue to progress toward a more perfect union. How? We expect that our ontology will find its way into the national discourse and will be a catalyst to unifying us at a time when its citizenship is sharply divided along political, social and economic lines. Anxiety and discomfort are understandable. The future is not ours to see. But we don’t give up on the institutions in America. We recognize the long sweep of history. And we expect our ontology will provide the impetus that will lead to the dissemination of this new paradigm and the preservation of our democracy. We envision a future wherein pluralism and assimilation, instead of being in conflict, exist in harmony with one another; where responsibility and competence replace the pursuit of greed and power; where dignity and respect outplay selfishness and conceit; and doing the right thing and fighting the good fight hold value, relevance and meaning in all of our thoughts and actions.

When we stand the course of our lives on the principled unfolding of our emancipated selfhood, no longer subject to crown, cross and a disembodied ego/mind, we are positioned to be in principled possession of our lives, to be in authorial control of a life of our design.

As you strive in your own indomitable way to live your life as a principled, enduring public person, standing for a new paradigmatic identity, I acknowledge and value your great effort and deep commitment to achieve the potential of our natural, historical and linguistic legacy. May your days be filled with love and affection, meaning and contribution. May you and those you hold dear have a very Happy New Year and a peaceful, prosperous, healthy and creative 2025! 

Arnold Siegel is the founder of Autonomy and Life and the leader of its
Workshops and Advanced Classes.